
June 3, 2009

L-O-V-E Challenge

This was a terrific challenge that I discovered just this morning on one of my Cafe Mom groups. We were given a scraplift challenge. Here is the original LO:

When I saw this I knew I wanted to do it but the LO was due tomorrow (June 4th) so I really needed to get it done tonight. I was trying to think of what pictures I could use that would fit this LO well and all the ones I had that would fit it were already scrapped. So I was looking at it racking my mind about it and then I realized that I knew the exact pictures that would look great in this LO. So I hoped over to my sisters Shutterfly Share site and downloaded her professional pictures of her, my brother in law, and their foster children who they are in process of adopting. After that it all came together and I think it turned out more fabulous than I ever thought it could be. I can't wait to surprise her with it I know she'll love it!! Love you Shortcake!!!

1 comment:

Brianna Marshall said...

thats such a great layout and the sweetest gift ever,i hope she loves it,you did a great job!